Why the CarryAll folding tricycle is the best ride for non-cyclists
When you’re spending time with your friends, there are bound to be times where you’ll end up doing some recreational activities that require certain skills, and one of the more common ones is cycling.
Cycling is a simple skill but might be difficult to pick up, depending on your balance and how fast you take to learn it. You may even feel left out sometimes when your friends decide to go out for a ride, and you can’t join because you don’t know how to ride a bicycle. But fret not, we’ve found the perfect solution for you!
The CarryAll foldable tricycle is the world’s lightest folding tricycle. The three-wheeled compact tricycle is a good option for non-cyclists who want to join in on the fun when others are out cycling, and it’s also a great opportunity to learn how to cycle along the way.
Here are five reasons why the CarryAll micro folding tricycle is the best ride for non-cyclists:
It’s foldable
The CarryAll folding compact tricycle is more convenient than most tricycles. It’s foldable! So if you’re worried about the amount of space a tricycle would take in your home, you can always fold it up and store it away conveniently. Additionally, you can also bring it into shopping malls, you can just fold it and roll it along as you go about doing your shopping.
You can even bring it into restaurants and keep it somewhere within view while you’re having your meal. This way, you don’t run the risk of having your CarryAll foldable bicycle being stolen. The CarryAll folding tricycle can even compact enough to be stored in a car boot, so you can load it up and drive to a park where you can cycle.
It has a large base
The CarryAll foldable tricycle has a large three-wheeled base which makes it extra stable. It’s extremely sturdy so you will not tip over when you’re making a tight turn. It’s understandable for someone who doesn’t know how to cycle to worry about falling especially when you cannot balance, so a large, stable wheelbase is important for someone who has no experience in cycling.
The CarryAll folding tricycle can be used by almost everyone
The CarryAll folding tricycle is not exclusively for those who cannot cycle or balance. It also caters to active seniors who want to keep fit and children or young adults who want to cycle with their families.
It is safe for them because the CarryAll compact foldable tricycle doesn’t require the rider to balance on it and it is less strenuous as compared to cycling on a bicycle, thus it can be used for different groups of people.
You can share the tricycle with your family members. For example, lending it to your grandparents who want to do light exercises.
It is allowed on public transport
The CarryAll folding tricycle meets the standard set by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) for foldable bicycles allowed on public transport. This means the CarryAll folding tricycle can be brought onto buses and trains, which is convenient for those who want to use it for their first and last-mile commute.
You can cycle to and from your home and take the train or bus to your destination. Simply fold it up and roll it into the train station and you’re ready to head anywhere!
It’s great for learning how to cycle
If you want to learn how to cycle, the CarryAll foldable tricycle is a good start. You can use the the CarryAll foldable bicycle to hone your balancing skills and pick up the skill over time.
The CarryAll folding tricycle has a similar design to the CarryMe micro foldable bicycle, so if you ever decide to switch to the CarryMe folding bicycle, you will have no problem adjusting.
The CarryAll foldable tricycle has plenty of advantages for people who don’t know how to cycle or balance, and it’s perfect for those who are looking for options when they cannot ride a two-wheeled bicycle.