Have a compact foldable bike, you can travel more places
Here at Mighty Velo, the official regional distributor of Pacific Cycles’ foldable bikes, some of our most sought-after models are the Pacific CarryMe foldable bike and Pacific CarryAll foldable adult tricycle. But beyond the CarryAll having one more wheel, what...
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I am Elaine, a HR and Marketing intern in Mighty Velo, and a student at School of Business and Accountancy at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Read on to find out my experiences and learning points as an intern here at Mighty Velo!
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Since 1 June 2017, commuters are allowed to bring foldable bikes on board public transport at any time of the day. Did you know that this initiative was actually rooted and pushed forward by Mighty Velo (MV). Read on to find out the rules for bringing a foldable bike on board public transport.
In this article, we will share some cycling spots in Singapore that is suitable for you to venture with your CarryMe.
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This article explains that CarryMe foldable bicycle and CarryAll tricycle are made up of aluminium instead of steel. It goes in detail the type of materials used in CarryMe and CarryAll. This article also shares the type of treatment given to frame of CarryMe and CarryAll.
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